Set during an annual trip to the Pines, Fire Island captures Austen's novel's wit and social satire while celebrating chosen family, the unique destination, and a spectrum of romantic ideals. “The more I allowed myself to daydream and think about it, the more I was like, ‘Oh, the parallels are quite easy to find.’” I was like, ‘Wouldn't it be funny if I wrote a gay Pride and Prejudice set on Fire Island?’” he adds. “That first trip to Fire Island was the genesis of everything,” says Booster about the spark that eventually became the rom-com now available to stream on Hulu. The writer and star who plays protagonist Noah conceived of Fire Island on his first trip to the LGBTQ+ summer haven nearly a decade ago when he took a tattered paperback copy of Pride and Prejudice as his beach read. “As much as this movie is an homage to Jane Austen, it's an homage to Amy Heckerling,” Booster tells Town & Country over Zoom when Clueless is mentioned.